This is my link farm
Its very easy to grow links...
Random Links
One fun aspect of blogging is sharing random links...
Some things you just have to link to because they're cool. Some geezer (by that I mean a proper artist) spent 6 months creating a water cooled case with moving eyes that looks like a cenobite from Hellraiser. Normally I think of extensive case modding as a relatively sad activity but I have to admit it looks pretty cool. It was also worth it because he won 25,000 dollars in a contest. I imagine a lot of the competition were completely out-classed.
A highly amusing description of Maggie Thatcher written by someone I know. - Looney Tunes! - some original flash animations not quite as good as the originals but worth a peek
- The evil genius hall of fame - featuring Davros
- Caring for your tortoise
The b3ta message board
- irreverent comedy pictures and articles. - Some cool optical illusions